Infrastructure Task Force
Mission Statement: Promote the development of safe, comfortable and efficient cycling infrastructure that caters to a wide range of age and ability level, is accessible 24 hours/day and 365 days per year, with the goal of achieving a city-wide cycling network that makes cycling an easy and desirable travel option for Calgarians.
All work undertaken as a volunteer with Bike Calgary will be conducted in strict adherence to Bike Calgary’s Community Engagement Values and in accordance with the Bylaws of the Organization.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Understand “best practice” in design and maintenance of cycling infrastructure through;
- Relevant guides, policies and other cycling-infrastructure related documents,
- Attendance at seminars, courses, workshops, etc., and/or
- First-hand experience utilizing the infrastructure.
- Monitor information on planned projects and/or developments that may directly or indirectly impact Calgary’s cycling environment and work with the Infrastructure Lead, Board of Directors and other task forces to disseminate information, collect feedback and make recommendations for further action. Specific roles include;
- Review of available project information
- Attendance at project engagements, workshops and advisory group meetings
- Gathering feedback from Bike Calgary members and other stakeholders, including;
- Compiling project-specific Forum posts
- Collating feedback and preparing recommendations (letters, presentations, etc.)
- Monitor existing cycling and cycling-related infrastructure for level-of-service and work with the Infrastructure Lead and Board of Directors to engage City Administration, Council or other stakeholders to understand and mitigate critical deficiencies. Specific roles include;
- Site visits to gain a first-hand perspective on conditions
- Gathering feedback from Bike Calgary members and other stakeholders, including
- Compiling Forum posts
- Administering and compiling results of “Infrastructure Audit”
- Collating feedback and preparing recommendations (letters, presentations, etc.)
- Understand how existing laws (provincial), bylaws (municipal) and regulations (provincial or municipal) govern Calgary’s cycling environment.
- Monitor and understand how proposed policy changes (provincial or municipal) may impact Calgary’s cycling environment and work with Infrastructure Lead and Board of Directors to ensure a positive outcome for bicycle mobility.
- Finalize a position paper and presentation on considerations for bicycle infrastructure development in Calgary.
- Prepare recommendations for next-phase bicycle infrastructure projects that will help achieve a cohesive city-wide cycling network.
Updated as per approval by Bike Calgary Board of Directors on 16-Feb-2017.